SELECTED WorkS included in the following publications
'Digital Art' tracks the dramatic evolution of the medium from its early beginnings, through the social media age, and into the realm of artificial intelligence, augmented realities, and NFTs. This edition spotlights digital art's impact on traditional mediums, highlights new themes such as activism and ecological art, and examines the integration of software art, digital installations, and virtual reality as recognized artistic practices.
Published by Thames and Hudson, 2023
Softcover, 360pp.
150 x 210 mm
Omar Kholeif
A survey of artists and innovators from 1989 to present showcasing work spanning various media, tracing key figures from browser-based art to the dawn of NFTs, and highlighting the mass medium's fostering of new possibilities for artists in both analog and digital forms.
Published by Phaidon, 2023
Hardcover, 269pp.
137 x 203 mm
over 20 contributors and artists
Buffalo’s thirteenth issue is going viral. Put on your best filter and join us on a journey through today’s quintessential super spreading phenomena—from memes to influencers, make-up tutorials to pet celebrities, avatars to social media experiments. Dive down our rabbit hole and discover an explosive line-up of micro and macro celebrities, trendsetters, visual artists, and cultural theorists.
Published by Buffalo Zine, 2021
Spiral bound, 380pp.
290 x 210 mm
Omar Kholeif
Art in the Age of Anxiety conjures the bombardment of information, misinformation, deception and secrecy that invades both online and offline life in the 'post-digital' age.
Published by MÖREL, 2021
Paperback, 400pp.
175 x 250 mm
over 100 contributors and artists
Essays on and images by and artists and designers have examining contemporary life and possible futures.
Designed and published by National Gallery of Victoria, 2020
Multi-volume hardback with slipcase, 1088pp.
236 x 292 mm
AkzoNobel Art Foundation
An international treasure-trove of artworks and stories celebrating the 25ht anniversary of the AkzoNobel Art Foundation.
Published by AkzoNobel Art Foundation, Designed by Kummer & Herrman, 2020
Softcover, 426pp.
240 x 310 mm
Pieter-Jan Valgaeren, et al.
Reflections on the impact of screen culture on contemporary art.
Published by Stockmans, 2020
Softcover, 232pp.
200 x 260 mm
Theresa Bembnister, Andrew Williams, Samantha Blackmon
A survey of artworks influenced by video games and gaming culture.
Published by Akron Art Museum, 2019
260 x 200 mm
Francesca Gavin
A book examining the screen and its impact on society, the self and culture.
Designed and published by Pentagram, 2017
Hardcover, 226pp.
200 x 120 mm
Pedro Gadanho, et al.
Essays on the ongoing transition from the five-hundred-year old literary notion of utopia, toward the pervasive, everyday imposition of its mirror image: dystopia.
Designed and published by Mousse Publishing, 2017
Softcover, 264pp.
168 x 260 mm
Jeanne-Salomé Rochat, et al.
Are you easier to use?
Published by K.D. Presse, 2016
Softcover, 500pp.
210 x 280 mm
Swiss Institute
In the “St. Petersburg gamble,” the house offers to flip a coin until it comes up heads.
Published by Swiss Institute/Karma Books, 2016
Hardcover, 168pp.
160 x 226 mm
Liliana Albertazzi, et al.
264 artists whose views could stimulate those of architects.
Designed by Change is Good, 2015
Hardcover, 183pp.
168 x 260 mm
Yuko Hasegawa, et al.
An exploration of the influence of Tokyo in pop culture as both a city and an idea.
Published by Seigensha Art Publishing, 2015
Softcover, 160pp.
258 x 182 mm
Carlos Cardenas, Vincent Justin, Marie Maertens
A series of conversations led with industry experts: artists, independent curators, art critics, gallerists, museum curators and directors of video art archives.
Published by les presses du réel, 2015
Softcover, 208pp.
210 x 150 mm
Raphael Gygax, et al.
An Anthology on Play as Critical Action
Published by les presses du réel, 2015
Hardcover, 264pp.
175 x 235 mm
Thomas Boutoux, et al.
Catalog of the 12th edition of the international exhibition, curated by Gunnar B. Kvaran.
Published by les presses du réel, 2013
Hardcover, 111pp.
180 x 230 mm
Alex Gartenfeld, Norman Rosenthal
Twenty-five artists that question existing conventions and explore the new possibilities manifested by their community’s new, near-industrial scale.
Published by Rizzoli, 2013
Softcover, 205pp.
230 x 290 mm
Billy Rennekamp
Stereoscopic sculptures by 19 artists.
Published by Atomic Activity Books, 2011
Hardcover, 60pp.
105 x 170 mm
Katja Novitskova
A curated chronicle of 2010's digital world, exploring the reshaping of global power and aesthetics while providing a survival guide for navigating this post-internet civilization.
Published by Revolver, 2013
Softcover, 272pp.
180 x 230 mm